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Palacký University


Erasmus+ aims to modernize and improve higher education across Europe and the rest of the world.

It gives students and staff opportunities to develop their skills and boost their employment prospects. Good practices will be shared between universities and businesses in Knowledge Alliances.

Higher education institutions from participating countries can work with those from neighborhood countries, non-EU Balkan countries, Asia, Africa and Latin America to develop their educational systems.

What does it involve?

With the European economy reliant on the creation and application of knowledge, strong links between the business sector and higher education are essential. Enterprises have become increasingly involved in European education and training programmes, with positive results for both sides, leading to long-lasting partnerships.

The relevant Erasmus+ activities for cooperation with business are:

  • Traineeships for students: students do a work experience in a company abroad for up to a year;
  • Staff 'mobility' for teaching: company staff can teach at a higher education institution abroad, passing on their experience to academia;
  • Staff 'mobility' for training: teaching and other higher education staff receive training in a foreign company;
  • Co-operation: business or representative associations can take part in projects through:
    • Strategic Partnerships
    • Capacity Building Projects
    • Knowledge Alliances

How to apply?

Interested students should apply to the international office at Palacký University or office of their sending higher education institution. The office will provide information on the possibilities of a traineeship abroad as well as the modalities to apply for and receive an Erasmus+ EU grant.

ECTS Study GuideECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic Languages
Last update: 09. 10. 2014, Maroš Gemzický