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Palacký University


The Faculty of Health Sciences focuses on scientific activity in paramedical fields. Priority themes are evidence-based practise in paramedical fields, multidisciplinary teams in health care, limits on lifestyle resulting from chronic diseases, reproductive health, international classification in Nursing and Midwifery, therapeutic rehabilitation and physiotherapy, management in paramedical professions and health and social care systems for the elderly.

The faculty takes part in organising conferences, organises educational training workshops for those interested from the professional public, and the academic staff are invited to lectures at professional conferences both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The faculty supports the student research training activities of students in accredited study programmes. The annual faculty-wide conference, Student Scientific and Professional Activity, features defended student theses from all study fields.

Department of Physiotherapy

The scientific research of the academic staff includes the clinical and instrumental objectification of movement function and dysfunction, and quantitative interpretation of the effectiveness of physiotherapy methods. Examples include projects of the PU Internal Grant Agency, such as Modified Sensory Input Objectification in Clinical Rehabilitation, Objectification of the Use of Purpose-Focused Movement, Observation and Movement Imagination in Rehabilitation, and Muscle Synergy Objectification in Upper Limb Ideomotoric Functions.

Department of Physiotherapy - Research Facility Kinesiology Laboratory

The department, together with the Olomouc University Teaching Hospital, possesses motor function analysis equipment which is absolutely unique in the Czech Republic. The Kinesiology Laboratory is equipped with a Noraxon dynamic posturography system and surface electromyography systems (MyoSystem 1400 and TeleMyo). A recent addition to the measuring technology are treadmills with built-in C-Mill and Zebris force platforms, which enable the objectification of walk cycle evaluation, walking speed measurement, step length, step width, power values during walking including walking over obstacles, and simulated video rear projection.

Two EMG compatible video cameras for synchronised EMG signal and image are used for visual presentation and easier interpretation of measured results in studies performed by professional scientists and students. The highly specialised technical equipment of the Kinesiology Laboratory is at present unique in the Czech Republic; it offers students and researchers practical experience in working with a wide spectrum of objectification resources and the possibility to use them for motor function analyses in practise.


Department of Nursing and Department of Midwifery

One of the research domains of both institutions is the validation and implementation of international specialised terminology in health care practice. The Department of Nursing develops research activities in the field of multicultural nursing care. This issue is addressed primarily in the PU IGA competition. A significant scientific research project is the IGA and Czech Ministry of Health project Strategic Concept for Transformation of Paramedical Professions in the Czech Republic. The Faculty of Health Sciences is a partner in the project, the principal investigator is the Olomouc University Teaching Hospital. The project follows the work of the Ministry of Health work commission dealing with the transformation of paramedic health professions in the Czech Republic. The project is aimed at analysing the effective use of the expertise of paramedical workers in the Czech Republic. Emphasis is placed on the results, which are partially implemented in the processes of provision of medical care related to human resources management and the existing and modified competencies of paramedical professionals.

Doctoral Study Programme in Nursing

The programme focuses on the science of nursing and its methodology, scientific research and independent creative activity in the field of nursing. It is specifically focused on the application of the nursing diagnostic approach, and the verification and validation of classification systems in nursing. Students obtain detailed information on the components of nursing systems, structure, organisation, objectives, functions and role of subjects and the strategy of change. In academic work the principle of Evidence Based Practice and Nursing is used. An emphasis is placed on the philosophical, ethical and legal aspects of effective nursing practice and ultimately the ability to carry out academic and publishing activities at the national and international levels. The first graduates of the doctoral study programme in Nursing received their degrees in 2013.


Centre for Excellence in Science and Research in Non-medical Healthcare

Staff at the Centre develop scientific approach in non-medical healthcare fields and focus on close cooperation with other academic staff of the faculty to produce scientific results which are competitive on international level. The activities of the newly established Centre are targeted at training the academic staff and students in so-called support science and research competencies, deals with secondary research, namely creating systematic review in quantitative and qualitative research in cooperation with Joanna Briggs Institute, University of Adelaide and JBI collaborative centres in Europe. Some of the experts at the Centre work on supporting and developing scientific approach in the research of motor skills. The other group of specialists focus on the implementation of international terminological aspects of nursing. The scientific team of the Centre fulfil the aims of ECOP project “Support of Human Resources in Science and Research in Non-medical Healthcare at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Palacký University in Olomouc” and „Support for the Creating of Excellent Research Teams and Intersectional mobility at Palacký University in Olomouc II” and is a framework for the periodical PROFESE – online, listed among reviewed non-impact periodicals in the Czech Republic. The team activities concentrate on project, research, publications and expert consultations.


Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Publication activities by members of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences deal with research problems of quantitative and qualitative research in nursing, research life style and its limits, research selected issues in the broad area of chronic disease prevention and burnout in the profession of nursing and research health protection factors. Its staff focuses on the use of methodological triangulation logic of qualitative research to explore the lifestyles of people with chronic diseases. The main target group are individuals with multiple sclerosis. This research is unique in the practical field of nursing. Publication results are dedicated to the issue of research in nursing, measurement and assessment tools for a given chronic disease, and also linking the areas of special education and nursing intervention, communication and approach.


Department of Radiological Methods

The department offers an undergraduate degree for radiology assistants. In its research role, it takes part in a number of projects and also runs professional conferences and seminars in cooperation with the Radiology Clinic of the Olomouc University Teaching Hospital. Its research focuses mainly on areas in which ion radiation, magnetic resonance and ultrasound are used in diagnostic imaging and treatment, radiobiology, radiation oncology and nuclear medicine.


ECTS Study GuideECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic Languages
Last update: 16. 01. 2014, Daniel Agnew