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Palacký University


  • a full-time study programme

The bachelor degree programme is aimed at educating physiotherapists for rehabilitation practice  in all phases of the treatment process, including primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. The graduates are able to work in all types of health facilities offering some kind of rehabilitation or physical treatment. They cooperate with specialists in the functional diagnostics and (rehabilitation) therapy of patients with acute, sub-acute and chronic phases of health disorders in which rehabilitation is appropriate. They take part in examination of basic motor functions in the most common pathological categories, including assessment of individual levels of self-service and other psycho-motor or sensory and social motor functions. They participate in assessing the overall strategy and possible limits of rehabilitation and a short-term rehabilitation plan for patients. They carry out standard levels of common methodology in motor re-education and physical therapy; they also cooperate with technical-prosthetic specialists in dealing with abnormal or lost function in patients through a combination of functional re-education with the application of technical, prosthetic or other orthotic compensatory aids or replacements.

Physiotherapy a full-time master degree study programme

The graduate programme is aimed at the advancement of professional qualification of specialists in physiotherapy with reference to the needs of individual fields of clinical medicine. Particularly, it deals with systematic rehabilitation of serious diseases and injuries in which the long-term, targeted physiotherapy distinctly prevents the risks of permanent functional loss and secondary disability. This specialization in the human motor system and its disorders distinguishes clinical specialists from general physiotherapists in recovery of functional, especially motor abilities. The goal is to motivate students to further learning in the field of physiotherapy, to work on research and standardise therapeutic procedures in rehabilitation, to solve current issues in rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and in manifestations of movement functions in general, with respect to evidence-based medicine principles.


ECTS Study GuideECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic Languages
Last update: 11. 01. 2013, Martin Fráňa